Category Archive: Uncategorized

Nov 27

Asking for what you need

The concept of “commercial broadcasting” – presenting something to many people simultaneously and expecting an action from an audience – has led to many small non-profit organizations thinking they can use the same idea. On the surface it seems quite simple: if enough people see a message, a percentage will respond. What some fail to …

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Aug 02

How media shapes people the Church is called to reach

As communication paradigms shift, the new media affect society. This presentation looks at how media shapes the minds of those with whom the Church is trying to communicate the Gospel. It was created for and presented at a Lutheran Hour Ministries Regional Outreach Conference in Saskatoon, Canada, July 2012. How media shapes society from Adnams …

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Jul 25

New e-book looks at religious trends in Canada

Canadian religion observer Reg Bibby has published an e-book “A New Day” which looks at the current trends and state of religion and non-religion in Canada. It’s available here:

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May 22

Intentional board changes can build a future for non-profits

A few years ago I tried skeet shooting. I didn’t do well (which is good because I never found a good recipe for grilled skeet!) I discovered the trick was anticipating the position of the clay disc in the air and pulling the trigger at the right time to make sure the shot hit the …

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Mar 21

How to avoid Spring Fever

At this time of year in many organizations someone on staff is busy putting together the spring newsletter to donors. Since the winter (or Christmas) edition they’ve gathered stories and photographs; commissioned a column from the chief executive; and begun the editing process. When everything is polished some will send everything to a designer to …

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Mar 13

Do you see what I see? Is your website mobile compatible?

When the worldwide web came on stream in the mid-1990s, web designers dealt with two browsers: the then-popular Netscape and the up-and-coming Internet Explorer. The two had compatibility issues, but some deft coding could make websites viewable using either browser. Then along came more browsers with names like Opera, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Netscape almost …

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